Coming up next!
Hello world!
FInd more about what’s coming up next, right at your socials! @pachaqueer
TRANSborder Festival of Politics and Performance. Artists, activists, cultural managers and de(a)cademics from Ecuador, Abya Yala and the world.
Collective performance laboratory that aims to create itinerant spaces and dialogues focused on changing paradigms about politics, identities, gender and sexuality.
Annual Trans March. Autonomous community movement consolidated from/for trans, transvestites, non-binary & non-hegemonic identities in the public space.
Committed and creative
Trust pays off
Somewhere on earth
Insurrectionary witches of pleasure and terrorist monsters of gender entrenched in a mutant den of performance and politics.
To conspire guerrilla performance and other profane rituals, trans-forming fears into rage and disobedience against the oppression.
To recover the sovereignty of our re-existences, inciting the emancipation of thoughts and the insurrection of bodies.
The public space as a means of denunciation, healing, and enunciation. Monster of pleasure and kamikaze of gender and politics that is embedded in all possible spaces and media.
Anger and disobedience as performance and political trench. Andean witch, radical transvestite and gender terrorist for the liberation of bodies and emancipation of thoughts.
Vulga Vulga Vulga Vulga Vulga Vulga Vulga Vulga Vulga Vulga Vulga Vulga Vulga Vulga Vulga Vulga Vulga Vulga Vulga Vulga Vulga Vulga Vulga Vulga Vulga Vulga Vulga Vulga.
Marika Rage. From the indignation and fury of the LGBTIQ+ social struggle and in response to a patriarchal and transphobic cis-system of opression. I’m not an individual, I’m a movement.
Waga McQueen Waga McQueen Waga McQueen Waga McQueen Waga McQueen Waga McQueen Waga McQueen Waga McQueen Waga McQueen Waga McQueen.
FInd more about what’s coming up next, right at your socials! @pachaqueer