3rd Cross-border Festival of Politics and Performance


Guayaquil – Ecuador 2024


Politics and art are like a monster of two heads that devour each other, one head is necro-political and the other is necro-artistic. Their deformed beauty has turned them into a dissident work of art, but the oppressive power dominates, locks them up and disappears.

Is there any connection between the disappearance of dissident works and the disappearance of historically excluded people? What is the latent desire of dissident artists and survivors of violence, respectively? What is “what could have been” and “what didn’t happen”? These are some questions that drive the third edition of the #PERFORMACULA that will take place in the city of Guayaquil, Ecuador from November 19 to 24, 2024.

PERFORMACULA O.M.E., (OPPRESSION – MEMORY – EMANCIPATION), Guayaquil 2024, Transfronterizø Festival of Politics and Performance created by PachaQueer [free space of art], aims to address the dissident narratives of the historical, social and cultural processes and interests of the region and the global south, in issues of reparation and justice, particularly those that are directly or indirectly related to forced disappearances and hate crimes against dissident artists and activists. Through the artistic conspiracy, the critical practice of politics and performance, the junta and the celebration, we intend to reveal stories and resistances that emerge around works created by dissident artists, the frictions that occur with the political agency of the states and the intersections of art and politics in unconventional spaces / processes under three curatorial axes: Oppression – Memory – Emancipation.

WE INVOKE any expression and manifestation of dissident bodies and subversive identities located and enunciated from the precariousness / periphery / functional diversity / neurodivergences / non binary / counterhegemonic / transfeminist / sudaca / punk / afro / artivista / trans / puta / cuir / nomad / proletarie / ande / hacker / torta / de(a)cadémica / VIHTacho / cyborg / faggot / planta / monstra / crossborder / technoshamanx / brujx / amoeba and other corporities that transit between Ecuador, Latin America, the Caribbean and the (in)world.

#UNETETÚ! To be part of this (dis)meeting and dismembered in cross-border herd those fundamentalist and neoliberal domes of power that #NosEstanMatando, an online registration form must be filled out:; “PERFORMACULA O.M.E.”, will receive counterculture proposals, transgressor irreverent questionings of dissident bodies from various vorágines: PERFØRMANCE, ACTION ART, LABØRATRIAS, WORKSHOPS, PAMBAMESAS DE CØNSPIRACIÓN, CØNVERSATØRIAS, VIDEØRMANCE, CINE CYCLE, AUDIØVISUAL PIECES, DISIDENT ART SAMPLE, INSTALLATIONS, SHOWCASES and ENTREPRENEURSHIP FAIRS, CABARET NØCHE, LIVE AND STAGE ARTS, PRØYECTØS SØ


With the desire to sustain our cross-border struggles against any practice of physical or symbolic violence and avoid the (re)violation of our (re)existences, the “PERFORMACULA O.M.E.”:

• It will be held from the night of November 19 to the morning of November 24, 2024 in Guayaquil, Ecuador.

• It will cover residence and food for all the selected proposals throughout the festival, from the night of November 19 to the morning of November 24, 2024, however, mobilization and transport will be the responsibility of each participant.

• It will NOT cover transport expenses, transfers or internal or external, local or international mobility of any proposal or participant.

• You will receive proposals and incentives to be part of the #agendacula through a participation form [] that will help coordinate logistics and technical requirements for the execution of each proposal.

• It will make visible and strengthen (counter)cultural, (non) artistic, dissident, migrant and decentralized processes of queer, trans and dissident communities that are sustained from self-management, marginality and subversion that are focused on the liberation of thoughts, empowerment of bodies historically violated, criminalized, prosecuted, persecuted, raped and murdered by binary, capitalist, heteropatriarchal, colonialist, genocidal and neoliberal (cis) systems.

• It will encourage collective participation and facilitate the execution of all the proposals received and self-CALLED through the articulation with a network of trenches, collective (non) artistic, (counter)cultural centers, (in)domestic spaces, (public) clandestine lairs, indomitable, insurgent and unruly individualities and other dissident trenches / bodies in Guayaquil that are managed as spaces free of violence and with accessibility for all bodies.

• It will forge alliances with local projects related to food sovereignty that support the feeding of the bodies that attend the activities of the festival (general public) in exchange for symbolic contributions. (if you are interested in being part of the food commission, write to us!

• It will make records and documentation of all activities and proposals during the execution of the festival, the collective use agreements of image for its dissemination, will be agreed between the applicants / participants and the team of the “PERFORMACULA O.M.E.”; all records will be collectivized, without mercantilist or commercial purposes and will be part of the memories of the festival and the digital catalog that will be available on the website

• It will promote meetings of dialogue, actions in the public space and different experimental exercises of liaison with local and regional artists and activists with the intention of provoking critical reflections on bodily liberation, the vindication of abject identities and the recovery of sovereignty that restore or portray the crossing of time and memory, setting precedents towards possible platforms of collaboration for the teaching, research, production and circulation of dissident art.

• Invite the authors of the selected proposals to (de)vacation meetings, conspiracy and other discussion and exchange meetings on radio, cyber and / or press platforms with whom we have managed to manage spaces for the dissemination and visibility of the self-convened proposals that will be presented within the festival.

• It will send (to whomever requires) a letter of acceptance, invitation or certificate of participation to the selected and self-convened proposals with the support of the collectives, institutions and collaborating projects, so that the participants can manage funds for mobilization and other logistics autonomously. (send the request to


PERFORMACULA- O.M.E. [oppression – memory – emancipation] Third TRANSfrontier Festival of Politics and Performance, Guayaquil 2024 edition, is sustained by dissent. The different activities and conspiracies of the #agendacula will be determined through the online application form: where proposals will be received for collective creation workshops / dissident art exhibition / guerrilla performance day / exhibitionist and libertarian showcases (fairs) of urban art and empowerment / street action art / audiovisual show of subversive cinema / subversive dj’s / post-pornic covens / transfeminist work groups / rituals / terrorist conversations and other countercultural proposals raising from dissident realities in three axes of conspiracy / discussion:

• OPPRESSION: In its hyperbolic state that is not only to co-opt the person or the work in order to appropriate it, but also that it strips it of any entity, it erases it. The non-existence of dissident bodies and arts makes life easier for the oppressor.

• MEMORY: Like the scar that makes the memory of the wound persist, the mutilated, blurred bodies and works emerge to scream from the wound, to be observed, to show themselves.

• Emancipation: There is no more concrete pleasure in the existence of the being than to destroy what oppresses us; emancipation for us is to abolish the mechanisms of power that seek our extinction and our oblivion.


Participation in the program (#agendacula) of the PERFORMACULA- O.M.E. [oppression – memory – emancipation] Third TRANSborder Festival of Politics and Performance, Guayaquil 2024 edition, will be with its own proposals, either individual or collective and will only be by request through the online form from September 4, 2024 to October 16, 2024. The form can be accessed here: →

The proposals must be framed within the axes of conspiracy/discussion [OPPRESSION – MEMORY – EMANCIPATION]. Proposals can be individual or collective and up to 3 projects can be proposed for each applicant, one per axis.

To attend the festival as a participant, volunteer, intern and/or for any other form or indecent proposal, the following form must be completed: (to be defined)

NOTE: In case of any inconvenience when filling out the online form, [] you can send your application as an attachment in .pdf format to the email: with the title “PERFORMACULA POSTULATION 2024_name or self-determination of the individuality or collective you propose”.

The PDF file must include:

A brief review of the work you do (150 words)

Portfolio of the body or collective that includes links, images, audios, videos, website, dissemination channel

Summary of the proposal(s) (3max) to be conspired in the festival, including times, spaces, materials, technical and logistical requirements. (max. 200 words per proposal)

High resolution photography for the digital catalog.


The selected proposals will be published on October 19, 2024 through the website and all social networks of @pachaquer

Every proposal will receive a response as a receipt to the application.

Any questions, proposals, incitement, appeals or suggestions will be answered through:



FB/IG/X: @pachaqueer

WhatsApp: +593998883726 | +593995658666


OPEN INVOCATION -> from Wednesday, September 04, 2024 to Wednesday, October 16, 2024


FESTIVAL —> from the night of Tuesday, November 19, 2024 to the morning of Sunday, November 24, 2024

MEETING PLACE —> Guayaquil, Ecuador